I recently headed to somewhere that has been on my travel list for far too long: New York. Admittedly, this was my first ever trip to the States. How I’ve made it this long having never ventured across the pond, I’m not quite sure. As I was long overdue a visit, I was keen to see all it has to offer.

I’ve been reliably informed that New York experiences some pretty extreme weather at both ends of the spectrum, so avoiding the height of the summer and the throes of the frosty winters is advised. I feel like we hit the met office jackpot because it was sunny throughout my time there. So, my first tip would be to think carefully about when you visit.

Keen to do absolutely everything on the tourist trail, the first stop was Summit One Vanderbilt, one of a lineup of viewing decks in NYC. What sets this particular viewing deck apart is its designed to provide and immersive experience…

I loved that there was an art installation ‘Reflect’ by Yayoi Kusama, whose work I massively adore. Last year, it was a really highlight to finally experience her ‘Infinity Room’ and ‘Chandelier of Grief’ which were in residence at the Tate Modern London. 

Providing the backdrop for perhaps one of New Yorks’s most popular Instagram snaps, the ‘Air Infinity’ room, filled with silver balloons is guaranteed to bring out your playful side. 

As it was such a sunny day, the visibility was brilliant so you could see for miles on end. It’s certainly a good way to get an idea of the lay of the land. 

There is no denying, New York has a really buzz about it. The energy of this city is tangible – it’s like it has its own pulse and I just love that about it. 

Grand Central Station. 

9/11 Memorial. 

It was wonderful to get a behind-the-scenes insight at the United Nations headquarters while in New York. It was enlightening to learn more about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and to visit the Delegates Lounge, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where numerous negotiations apparently take place. Also adored the beautiful rose garden, currently in full bloom!

United Nations Delegates Lounge rooftop. 

Another thing I adore about New York is its interesting architecture. Though historic architecture will always have my heart, there is also something captivating about unique modern architecture too, and this city has some great examples. The Vessel in Hudson Yards (pictured above) being one of them.

The Bean. 

Oculus World Trade Center.

One of the best ways to experience New York and its iconic skyline is from the water. For me, this was definitely one of the absolute highlights from the trip.

We stayed on Wall St, the financial district, which I think was a really good call. It was relatively peaceful and within short walking distance to the likes of The Oculus, Brooklyn Bridge, 9/11 Memorial, not to mention the infamous New York Stock Exchange right on your doorstep. 

I know a lot of people elect to stay near Times Square to be fully immersed in the action but in all honesty, it was too noisy and busy for me there and I know I would not have enjoyed being in the throes of that for the entire trip. In all honesty, I actually thought Times Square was the only part of the city that I thought was overhyped. I just don’t get what the fuss is about!

For most of us, it’s taken as read that galleries and museums will be on the agenda for any city break. New York has plenty to offer in this department, including: The Met, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and the Witney (to name a few). I’d definitely suggest reserving a day or two to explore them. 

New York has a number of beautiful green spaces within and they come into full bloom around this time of year. 

Dumbo neighbourhood.

An iced matcha at % Arabica is a must, no matter where in the world you are. 

Brooklyn Bridge. 

If you are a fan of Starbucks then you won’t want to miss the New York Starbucks Reserve. Complete with its very own roastery ensconced within, it’s definitely one of the coolest outlets I’ve been to. 

So that concludes, a few days in New York well spent I’d day! It’s safe to that that I absolutely adored New York: it was everything I hoped it would be and more. I am keen to see more of the States and would love to spend more time out there if the stars align. If you’re yet to visit New York, this is your sign to book the trip! 

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